Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Critique of Frye’s, Jordan’s, and Miller’s Feminist Theories Essay

Marilyn Frye’s feminist theory is based on a mix of art and philosophy as well as a presentation of her own ideas in the context of the world. Frye’s theory stresses among other things, the fact that the power of feminism is embedded in the capability of making women’s lives and their experiences understood by a vast majority of the people (Frye, 1983). On the other hand, Jordan’s feminist theory lays emphasis on the woman’s self with reference to her relational well-being (Jordan, 1991). Closely related to this, Miller’s theory is based on the view that there is need to address women’s experiences and make the world understand them better. Thus, Miller suggests that in order to understand women, there is need to understand their lives and values (Miller, 1987; Davis, 1999). This paper will examine and appraise the aforementioned theories and draw a conclusion based on the flaws or incongruence depicted by the theories, and will thus suggest whether the theories can be used together or as separate entities. Frye’s Feminist Theory Frye affirms that in order to understand women fully, that is in terms of their feelings, motivations, ambitions and how they are likely to react to different situations, there is need to understand their driving forces, which are the determining factors in various responses (Frye, 1983). Frye’s feminist theory thus presents an attempt to explain the forces and how they apply to different women. While it may be true that there are deciding forces behind every woman’s response to different situations, it is also evident that the forces cannot be studied conclusively. This viewpoint is instigated by the fact that women live in different conditions, and these conditions are likely to affect how they react to different circumstances. Thus, a generalization cannot be used to describe women’s attitudes. In view of sex and sexuality, Frye notes that sex roles have inhibited men and women from being in charge of their choices since the activities involved in sex are already predetermined (Hoagland & Frye 2000). However, this supposition fails to address the sex drives involved among same-sex partners. Thus, even though Frye notes that women are sexually oppressed, it is difficult to concur with the argument since sexual freedom has increased tremendously in the world over the past few years. Frye’s likening of women to a birdcage in which if one observes one wire of the cage, she or he is likely not to see the other wires present in the cage (Davis, 1999) presents an interesting point of discussion. This is true given that in there are instances when women are ignored, for example in restaurants when waiters expect men in company of women to pay the bills. This implies that much attention is paid to men, who are perceived to be a superior sex. Jordan’s Feminist Theory This theory emphasizes the connections among different aspects of women’s lives, which are developed through relationships. It dwells on factors such as sexism and heterosexism, which separate women and alienate them from the rest of the society, thus subjecting them to a lot of suffering (Jordan, 1991). In view of this, while it is true that women are more affected by issues that concern sex it is also imperative to note that such issues are not just limited to women. Concisely, men also suffer from issues related to sex. Jordan’s theory also dwells on the self-condition of women in relation to their relational wellbeing. Jordan emphasizes that most Western psychological theories tend to point too much on the woman’s self rather than her relations with others (Jordan, 1997). Along this line, Jordan asserts that men have subordinated women and view them as their subjects, thereby undermining women’s relation capacity. This presumption has some substance with reference to how women were treated in the past. However, it may loose significance in the contemporary world where women have taken more leadership positions and have better control of their undertakings. Jordan addresses desire by relating it to adolescent sexuality, noting that it arises from people’s integration with others and creation of relationships (Jordan, 1997). This is true in the context of what people commonly refer to as â€Å"real love† that develops between men and women through their continued association. On the other hand, since relationships commonly break, there is an indication of a flaw in Jordan’s theory. Nevertheless, Jordan’s point of challenging the tendency by men to be dominant over women (Jordan, 1991) stresses the need for equality between men and women. Miller’s Feminist Theory Miller focuses on the concern of men’s domination over women and their tendency to subordinate them (Miller, 1987). She asserts that the propensity by men to be dominant over women causes conflict between the two sexes because men fail to understand women. Miller also notes that in dealing with conflict, women, who are usually the subordinates revert to overt conflict, a phenomenon that is prevalent in the present day (Miller, 1987). Miller therefore questions why men should be dominant over women yet women have equal capabilities do what men can do. Miller’s feminist theory is important in addressing gender disparity in the world. It also supports women in having voices to do what pleases them irrespective of what men think about them. However, its flaw lies in the fact that it fails to address why men have higher propensity to be dominant over women and why women usually revert to overt conflict when dealing with men. Conclusion The feminist theories by Frye, Jordan and Miller all address issues that though not congruent are closely related. Frye’s theory is centered on understanding women; Jordan’s theory recognizes the woman’s self worth and the importance of women’s participation in relations; whereas Miller’s theory in centered on understanding women and why men should not treat them as subordinates. All these issues are closely related since they address the status of women and their role in the society, which is paramount in eliminating injustices against them. Hence the theories should treated together to achieve the objective. References Davis, F. (1999). Moving the mountain: The women’s movement in America since 1960: Chicago: University of Illinois Press Frye, M. (1983). Politics of reality: Essays on feminist theory. New York: Ten Speed Press Frye, M. (1992). Willful Virgin: Essays in Feminism, 1976-1992. New York: The Crossing Press, Inc. Hoagland, S. L. & Frye M. (2000). Feminist interpretations of Mary Daly. Pennsylvania: Penn State Press Jordan, J. (1991). Women’s growth in connection: New York: Guilford Publications, Inc Jordan, J. (1997). Women’s growth in diversity. New York: Guilford Press Miller, J. (1987). Toward a new psychology of women. Boston, MA: Beacon.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Psychodynamic Perspective Essay

There are various different approaches in contemporary approaches. An approach is a perspective that involves assumptions about human behaviour, the way they function, which aspects of them are worthy of study and what research methods are appropriate for undertaking this study. There may be several different theories within an approach, but they all share these common assumptions. You may be wonder why there are so many different psychology perspectives and whether one approach is correct and others wrong. Most psychologists would agree that no one perspective is correct, although in the past, in the early days of psychology, the behaviourist would have said their perspective was the only truly scientific one. Each perspective has its strengths and weakness and brings something different to our understanding of human behaviour. For this reason, it is important that psychology does have different perspectives to the understanding and study of human and animal behaviour. There are few clear explanations of common misbehaviour among secondary school students aged 16-19 years of age in terms of psychological theories. These explanations from the earlier psychologists able to make us understand more about gang violence that is increasing in amount nowadays. 3.0 PSYCHODYNAMIC PERSPECTIVE 3.1 DEFINITION Psychodynamic referred to as an approach to psychology that emphasises systematic study of the psychological forces that underlie human behaviour, feelings and emotions and how they might relate to early experience. It is especially interested in the dynamic relations between conscious motivation and unconscious motivation. It is also used by some to refer specifically to the psychoanalytical approach developed by Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) and his followers, although such use becomes confusing, because some of those followers, in particular, John Bowlby opposed the founding principles of Freud’s theory, forming opposing factions. Bowlby’s attachment theory, still described as ‘psychodynamic’ in approach, is widely considered to be the basis of most current research and to have put the field formerly known as psychoanalysis on a more scientifically based,  experimentally testable, footing. The words psychodynamic and psychoanalytic are often confused. Remember that Freud’s theories were psychoanalytic, whereas the term ‘psychodynamic’ refers to both his theories and those of his followers. Freud’s psychoanalysis is both a theory and a therapy. Sigmund Freud developed a collection of theories which have formed the basis of the psychodynamic approach to psychology. His theories are clinically derived for example based on what his patients told him during therapy. The psychodynamic therapist would usually be treating the patient for depression or anxiety related disorders. Psychodynamic psychology ignores the trappings of science and instead focuses on trying to get ‘inside the head’ of individuals in order to make sense of their relationships, experiences and how they see the world. The psychodynamic approach includes all the theories in psychology that see human functioning based upon the interaction of drives and forces within the person, particularly unconscious and between the different structures of the personality. Freud’s psychoanalysis was the original psychodynamic theory, but the psychodynamic approach as a whole includes all theories that were based on his ideas, e.g. Jung (1964), Adler (1927) and Erikson (1950). 3.2 PSYCHODYNAMIC PERSPECTIVE ASSUMPTIONS Behaviour and feelings are powerfully affected by unconscious motives. Behaviour and feelings as adults (including psychological problems) are rooted in our childhood experiences. All behaviour has a cause (usually unconscious), even slips of the tongue. Therefore all behaviour is determined. Parts of the unconscious mind (the id and superego) are in constant conflict with the conscious part of the mind (the ego). Personality is shaped as the drives are modified by different conflicts at different times in childhood (during psychosexual development). The unconscious is one of the most powerful effects on behaviour and emotion No behaviour is without cause and is therefore determined. Childhood experiences greatly affect emotions and behaviour as adults. The  id, ego and super-ego make up personality  The drives behind behaviour are a) The lift instinct and sex drive b) Death instinct and aggressive drive. Various conflicts throughout childhood development shape overall personality. The psychodynamic perspective asserts that in childhood certain incidents may occur that produce behaviours in adulthood. As children, defence mechanisms are utilized, then as adults behaviours manifest as a result. Examples of defence mechanisms that may be used include: Repression Denial Reaction formation Sublimation Projection Displacement Regression Fantasy Some examples of behaviours and their explanations using psychodynamic perspective include: Obsessive hand washing could be linked to a trauma in childhood that now causes this behaviour Nail-biting may be caused by an anxiety inducing childhood event A childhood event that caused fear in an open space may trigger agoraphobia in an adult Hoarding behaviours could be a result of childhood trauma Number aversion can be an obsessive behaviour perhaps initiated by an incident in childhood development Rituals of nervousness such as completing a task a certain number of times (such as opening and closing a cabinet) could be linked to a childhood situation Skin picking is a compulsion that would be linked to a developmental trauma Another compulsive behaviour is hair plucking Compulsively counting footsteps could be linked to an incident in childhood.  Any irrational behaviours can be blamed on childhood instances of trauma or development Neurotic behaviours can be linked to childhood development issues or interruptions Sexual compulsions or related sexual behavioural issues are linked at the sexual development stage using the psychodynamic perspective. 3.3 HISTORY OF THE PSYCHODYNAMIC PERSPECTIVE Anna O a patient of Dr. Joseph Breuer, who is Freud’s mentor and friend, from 1800 to 1882 suffered from hysteria. In 1895 Breuer and his assistant, Sigmund Freud, wrote a book, Studies on Hysteria. In it they explained their theory that says every hysteria is the result of a traumatic experience, one that cannot be integrated into the person’s understanding of the world. The publication establishes Freud as â€Å"the father of psychoanalysis.† By 1896, Freud had found the key to his own system, naming it psychoanalysis. In it he had replaced hypnosis with â€Å"free association.† In 1900, Freud published his first major work, The Interpretation of Dreams, which established the importance of psychoanalytical movement. In 1902, Freud founded the Psychological Wednesday Society, later transformed into the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. As the organization grew, Freud established an inner circle of devoted followers, the so-called â€Å"Committee†. Freud and his colleagues came to Massachusetts in 1909 to lecture on their new methods of understanding mental illness. Those in attendance included some of the country’s most important intellectual figures, such as William James, Franz Boas, and Adolf Meyer. In the years following the visit to the United States, the International Psychoanalytic Association was founded. Freud designated Carl Jung as his successor to lead the Association, and chapters were created in major cities in Europe and elsewhere. Regular meetings or congresses were held to discuss the theory, therapy, and cultural applications of the new discipline. Jung’s study on schizophrenia, The Psychology of Dementia Praecox, led him into collaboration with Sigmund Freud. Jung’s close collaboration with Freud lasted until 1913. Jung had become increasingly critical of Freud’s exclusively sexual definition of libido and incest. The publication of Jung’s Wandlungen und Symbole der  Libido, known in English as The Psychology of the Unconscious, ted to a final break. Following his emergence from this period of crisis, Jung developed his own theories systematically under the name of Analytical Psychology. Jung’s concepts of the collective unconscious led him to explore religion in the East and West, myths, alchemy and later flying saucers. Anna Freud, Freud’s daughter, became a major force in British psychology, specializing in the application of psychoanalysis to children. Among her best known work is The Ego and the Mechanism of Defence (1936). 3.4 PSYCHODYNAMIC STRENGTH AND LIMITATIONS STRENGTHS LIMITATIONS Made the case study method popular in psychology Defence mechanisms Free association Projective Tests (TAT, Rorschach) Highlighted the importance of childhood Case studies are subjective and cannot generalize results Unscientific (lacks empirical support) Too deterministic (little free-will) Biased sample Ignores meditational processes (e.g. thinking, memory) Rejects free will Difficult to prove wrong 3.5 PSYCHODYNAMIC PERSPECTIVE CRITICISMS The greatest criticism of the psychodynamic approach is that it is unscientific in its analysis of human behaviour. Many of the concepts central to Freud’s theories are subjective and as much impossible to scientifically test. For example, how is it possible to scientifically study concepts like the unconscious mind or the tripartite personality? In this respect, the psychodynamic perspective is difficult to prove wrong as the theories cannot be empirically investigated. Furthermore, most of the evidence for psychodynamic theories is taken from Freud’s case studies, e.g. Little Hans, Anna O. The main problem here is that the case studies are based on studying one person in detail and with reference to Freud the individuals in question are most often middle aged women from Vienna for instance his patients. This makes generalizations to the wider population difficult. The humanistic approach makes the criticism that the psychodynamic perspective is too deterministic that it is leaving little room for the idea of personal agency. 3.6 PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORY OF GANG VIOLENCE The psychodynamic theory places its emphasis on the notion that one of the main causes of gang violence is children’s abnormal personalities that were created and developed in earlier life. Since then these â€Å"unconscious mental processes† have been controlling the adolescents’ criminal behaviour. The Id is the drive for immediate gratification and can explain gang violence acts. The ego is the realization of real life and helps control the Id. Superego develops through interactions with parents and other responsible adults and develops the conscience of moral rules. This psychodynamic approach states that traumatic experiences during early childhood can prevent the ego and superego from developing properly, therefore leaving the Id with greater power (Champion, 2004). According to psychodynamic theory, whose basis is the pioneering work of the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud, law violations are a product of an abnormal personality structure formed early in life and which thereafter controls human behaviour choices. Unconscious motivations for behaviour come from the Id’s action in response to two primal needs-sex and aggression. Human behaviour is often marked by symbolic actions that reflect hidden feelings about these needs. For example, stealing a car may reflect a person’s unconscious need for shelter and mobility to escape from hostile enemies or perhaps an urge to enter a closed, dark, womblike structure that reflects the earliest memories (sex). All three segments of the personality operate simultaneously. The Id dictates needs and desires, the superego counteracts the Id by fostering the feelings of morality and righteousness and the ego evaluates the reality of a position between these two extremes. If these two components are properly balanced, the individual can lead a normal life. If one aspect of the personality becomes dominant at the expense of the others, the individual exhibits abnormal personality traits. A number of psychologists and psychiatrists expanded upon Freud’s original model to explain the onset of gang violence among adolescents. Erik Erikson speculated that many adolescents experience a life crisis in which they feel emotional, impulsive and uncertain of their role and purpose. He coined the phrase identity crisis to denote this period of inner turmoil and confusion. Erikson’s approach might characterize the behaviour of youthful drug abusers as an expansion of confusion over their place in society, their inability to direct behaviour towards useful outlets and perhaps their dependency on others to offer them solutions to their problems. Psychoanalyst, August Aichorn, found in his classic work that social stress alone could not produce such an emotional state. He identify latent delinquencies which means youths whose troubled family leads them to seek immediate gratification without consideration of right and wrong or the feelings of others. In its most extreme form, gang violence may be viewed as a form of psychosis that prevents delinquent youths from appreciating the feelings of their victims or controlling their own impulsive needs for gratification. Psychodynamic theory holds that youth involvement in gang violence is a result of unresolved mental anguish and internal conflict. Some children, especially those who have been abused or mistreated, might experience unconscious feelings associated with resentment, fear and hatred. If this conflict cannot be settled, the children may regress to a state in which they become Id dominated. This regression may be considered responsible for a great number of mental diseases, from neuroses to psychoses, and in many cases it may be related to criminal behaviour. Adolescents in gangs are Id-dominated people who suffer from the inability to control impulsive drives. Just because they suffered unhappy experiences in childhood or had families who could not  provide proper love and care, causing them to suffer from weak or damaged egos that make them unable to cope with conventional society. Adolescent antisocial behaviour is a consequence of feeling unable to cope with feelings of oppression. Involvement in gang violence actually allows youths to strive by producing positive psychic results, helping them to feel free and independent, giving them possibility of excitement and the chance to use their skills and imagination; providing the promise of positive gain, allowing them to blame others for their predicament (for example, the police) and giving them a chance to rationalize their own sense of failure. The psychodynamic approach places a heavy emphasis on the family’s role. Gangs frequently come from families in which parents unable to provide the controls that allow children to develop the personal tools they need to cope with the world. If neglectful parents fail to develop a child’s superego adequately, the child’s Id may become the predominant personality force, the absence of a strong superego results in an inability to distinguish clearly between right and wrong. In fact, some psychodynamic view gangs as motivated by an unconscious urge to be punished. These children feel unloved, assume the reason must be their own inadequacy, hence they deserve punishment. Later, the youth may demand immediate gratification, lack of compassion and sensitivity for the needs of others, disassociate feelings, act aggressively and impulsively and demonstrate other psychotic symptoms. According to the psychodynamic approach, gang violence is a function of unconscious mental instability and turmoil. People who have lost control and are dominated by their Id are known as psychotics, thus causing their behaviour be marked by hallucinations and inappropriate responses. Megargee’s ‘overcontrolled’ violent offender Megargee (1966) documented a series of cases of gang violence carried out by people who were regarded as passive and harmless. For instance, an 11 year-old boy who stabbed his brother 34 times with a steak knife was described as polite and softly spoken with no history of aggression. Megargee argued that such cases represent a distinct sub-group of violent offender criminological psychology. Psychodynamic theories of offending Aidan Sammons whose shared characteristic is an apparent inability to express their anger in normal ways and who eventually ‘explode’ and release all their anger and aggression at once, often in response to a seemingly trivial provocation. Freudian formulations like Megargee’s are unfashionable nowadays and more research attention is given to the majority of violent offenders, whose problem is generally a lack of inhibition of their anger, rather than too much inhibition. Nonetheless, there is evidence that a subset of violent offenders follow the pattern described by Megargee. For example, Blackburn (1971) found that people convicted of extremely violent assaults tended to have fewer previous convictions and scored lower on measures of hostility than those convicted of moderately violent assaults. However, the existence of such a group does not in itself show that Megargee was correct about the underlying mechanisms responsible.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Airport Funding Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Airport Funding - Assignment Example Airport improvement program (AIP) is one such means of obtaining grants. These federal grants have a series of guidelines and requirements to be met in order to qualify for the grants. In the later sections this paper will focus on the uniform land use review process (ULURP) and how it affects the two airports located in Queens. Federal AIP Grants are issued to airports that are on the NIAS list of significant airports throughout the United States and its holdings. These grants are issued to make infrastructure improvements, aid in noise compliance, provide for safety and security. Not all capitol improvements will meet the requirements for the AIP money. The grant funds come from a trust fund that congress set up to meet the needs of the AIP grants in conjunction with meeting the goals of the national integrated airport system. Since the grants pay for a portion of the project cost based on size of airport, the airport sponsor or private entity applying for a grant has to demonstrate that there are monies to pay for the difference between the grant funds and the full cost of the project. In recent years further legislation has added taxes to airport ticket purchases for the purpose of supporting the trust fund. The AIP has a provision for airports to gain additional funding towards approved projects by imposing a charge on passengers that is used to offset financing of major capitol improvements for infrastructure, noise reduction and provide for safety and security. The original code provided for one two or three dollars to be added to the ticket cost. The current code allows for up to four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) to be added to ticket price for the purpose of financing approved projects. This will also reduce the amount of grant money received for the projects. ( The uniform land use review procedure is a process by which the city government and general public has input into

Sunday, July 28, 2019

COSTCO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

COSTCO - Essay Example It deals with diverse people in various regions, and the need of workforce diversity is essential in the company to promote efficiency. Meanwhile, the company is concern with the quality of its products and services in that it values management training in order to improve the skills and understanding of employees. The Leadership styles are extremely essential in the management of the company because enhance the performance of the company. Thus, the paper will evaluate the management training, workforce diversity and the Leadership styles of the Costco in its operations. Management of training and workforce diversity Workforce diversifies in Costco deals with the adjustment of labor force and the way employee relate to each other at the workforce. The company promotes management of workforce diversity efficiently by creating an environment that evaluates unique qualities of each worker that help the company to achieve its goals and vision (Barak, 2010). Meanwhile, it involves in work force diversity training that introduces the knowledge and essential skills in the organization. The company provides a forum that assist participants to enhance their understandings in their fields. The management of training of Costco focuses on increasing understanding to all employees regardless of the status, gender and race, and make sure all human differences were respected. Costco is trying it best to create awareness and put emphasis on the need of training because it builds skills and examines the behavior that influence how employees interact (Lussier, 2011). Management training of the Costco focus on disseminating information that ensures employees is familiar and understands the law that governs fair employment practices. Similarly, it involves discussing human cognitive processes that are essential in promoting the performance of the organizations. The management training involves introducing courses and workshops that make sure managers are equipped with skills that h elp them to face challenges that may arise in supervising and managing projects (Lussier, 2011). Costco provide management training via offering seminars and sending management personnel to conferences. The management training includes courses that recognize the significant of effective communication and discussion that motivate employees (Barak, 2010). Meanwhile, the company training equips employee with qualities on how to handle performances reviews and problem solving in the work force diversity. Management training of the Costco addresses the diversity and emotional intelligence that help managers to manage their new responsibilities effectively. Management training of the company involves time management that will be useful for learning how to achieve goals and avoid doing work at the last minute. Bolman and Deal (2003) indicate that workforce diversity in Costco involves implementing policies and practices that involve people within the workforce that are different from those in the prevailing workforce. The workforce diversity in Costco integrates corporate responsibility that allows individuals to earn a living and meet their visions.. Meanwhile, workforce diversity of the company avoids issues of discriminatory preferences and practices in delegating their jobs and promotions that help in attracting the best accessible talent within the pool. Leadership style The leadership style provides direction, the method to implement plans and involve in motivating individuals, in organizations. There are three types of leadership styles that include authoritarian, democratic and free reign, and are implemented depending on the vision and goals of the organizati

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Summary and response Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary and response - Research Paper Example In deciding on a child’s future, Newman illustrates that parents acknowledge a picture of a university life that contrasts the one depicted by him. They recognize the margin between Newman’s ideal and the imperfect realities. Instead, they endorse that the margin does not represent a decline. Currently, modern universities enjoy resources that are higher than those enjoyed by Newman’s university are. For instance, they have good lecture halls, concert halls, booking lending facilities, and places of recreation hence influencing parent’s choice. A middle class father invests a lot of money in meeting the tuition fees of 40, 000 dollars and lodging costs for his daughter. However, after four years the daughter emerges with a degree in Women’s Studies. Therefore, it results in a significant waste of a third of a million dollars. It portrays that daughter has ended the university with the same ignorance she had at the start. Currently, many students graduate in soft subjects, which require ideological conformity rather than intellectual growth. Newman explains that most students spend their leisure hours in ways that their parents would not approve. They defend it as the natural result of academic freedom. Newman shows that individuals have the scope, freedom, and habit of association, which enable them to achieve their goals regardless of the established institutions. It is evident in the homeschooling that allow students to work from home. Therefore, it will prevent the heavy expenses incurred by most parents in the education of the children. The author, Roger Scruton, has proficiently written the text that has enhanced my personal understanding of the idea with utmost ease. Scruton provides the background information of who Newman is. For instance, he portrays Cardinal John Henry Newman as a scholar,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Managing through information (finance exam) Essay

Managing through information (finance exam) - Essay Example However, the major point of concern is the Gearing Ratio, which has dramatically increased from 0% to 36.1446% in a year due to the long-term loan, this increases the risk of investment, and in addition the Dividend Payout Ratio has also decreased from 40% to 21.28%, which is a bad signal for the shareholders. In 2008 no interest had to be paid, but in 2009 interest also needs to be paid from the reserves, thereby reducing reinvestment into the company. Johnsons Ltd. should focus upon clearing the debt as early as possible, and clarify to the investors that it is for the betterment of the company. Furthermore, it should try to reduce the gearing ratio by increasing ordinary shares, either through new issuance or issue of bonus shares. Financial ratios aid in analyzing, controlling and improving the performance of a company, it also helps in attaining loans from banks, it can provide sufficient information to analyze the liquidity and performance of the firm, and points out the areas requiring improvement. However, ratios have certain limitations as well, for larger companies it is difficult to make comparative analysis as it becomes extremely complicated, firms set their targets at average instead of following market leaders, hampering the efficiency of the company. The major drawback of ratio analysis is that it does not account for inflation and therefore can mislead the managers. Apart from inflation, seasonal variations can create distortions in the results as well, furthermore many valuations used in the ratios such as depreciations, inventory, bad debts etc are approximates and can thus affect the end result. The user of these ratios must know how to differentiate between wrong results and should be capable of adjusting to various situations (Besley and Brigham, 2008, 68). It is obvious from the calculations that none of the three proposals is good, since they give fewer profits than the current system, Proposal A

World Civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

World Civilization - Essay Example In general terms, it is a term that stands for the close ties between people and states of the world culturally, economically and politically (Ostrom, n.d). Proponents perceive that, civilization has played a key role especially in political sphere an argument which has received major backing from civilization nationalists. For example, they have a uniting factor in the view that International institutions such as World Trade Organization have positively influenced political ties among member states. Dividing the two sides in the middle is the issue and the role of technology in globalization (Mancur, 1965). Proponents have identified with the remarkable positive contributions predisposed by technology such as faster access to information and more jobs created such us the online jobs. On the flip side, critics have expressed deep reservations on the security lapses that technology has exposed most countries to as a result of technology. They have also expressed concerns on global mor al decadence that has been wide spread as a result of civilization through technology (Clough, 1990). Civilization has destabilized the stand of poorer states and uncovered people to dangerous and harmful competition. Their concern is rational and understandable especially since the gap between the poor and the rich has become more prevalent in recent ages. Poverty can be deliberated in various ways, for instance, relative to a nation’s individual average consumption level or in terms of well being of citizens. By common agreement, civilization has increased rapidly since early nineteen eighties. If civilization leads to poverty, then Nations that have been economically incorporated through trade and investment should be worse. But, some nations in the world have become more integrated into global economy have made tremendous progress while others like Sub-Saharan Africa that have remained in isolation and have experienced a sharp decline (Clough, 1990). The fissure or gap be tween the poor and the rich groups of people in the world has increased. Inequality would rise with this tremendous increase in poverty. One of the common feature discussions connecting poverty and civilization is the general conception from the stance of impoverishment to lead to world developments. When governments accumulate debts in private markets engaging a decline in world demand for their products, prices of common goods would undergo depreciation leading to recession. Underdeveloped countries and small business owners are at distant from adjusting their technology as often as their developed, larger, wealthier counterparts. Due to inability to merge with wealthy and multinational firms, small firms and underdeveloped countries are pushed to carry on their businesses locally thus never expanding and reaching their full capacity. Technological advances are being made each day all over the world but the bad news is that they are proving to be unaffordable. This high cost of pr oduction leads to fixed consumer prices, which are high. Civilization has become a weapon in the politics of oppositional activities, rallying on the idea that of diverse global ills. Civilization is viewed as a symbol of civilization threat. The main argument behind it is that it tends to refer the United States and other developed countries as hegemonic powers that promote civilization for their own benefits. In turn, they harm the cultural, environmental, and economic interests of other countries of the world. Instead of establishing a universal human progress, it has made the gap between the poor and the rich to widen. About beliefs, the Constantine worshiped Christianity because he grew up in a background that believed in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

International Marketing ..Rococo Chocolates Research Paper - 3

International Marketing ..Rococo Chocolates - Research Paper Example The primary objective of this study is to find out the value of the concept of expanding the business of Rococo Chocolates in France. The other objectives are to find out the market potential of the Rococo Chocolates in France and the way of promoting the product to achieve a sustainable position in the French market. The integrated marketing communications and branding strategies are discussed to find out the optimum path of success in the new market. The international marketing aspects have become a great opportunity for many companies. The Rococo Chocolates which is originated from London is now looking for great business opportunities in France. It is always very much challenging for any business entity to go global or to setup new business in other country. However, in this case the market is very much challenging as the growth level of the chocolate sales is not too high in the projected market, but with the help of out of the box thinking process the hidden path of the success can be achieved. To have a sustainable position in the French chocolate market, Rococo has to go through many changes accordingly. The strength and weakness from the inside and the opportunity and threat from the market must be analyzed properly to put step into the new market. Rococo Chocolates was founded in March 1983 by its owner Chantal Coady (Rococo Chocolates). For the last two decades the company has grown steadily. It has the great product line of different flavors of chocolates, and it also has different accessories related to chocolates. However, after catering the London with the flagship store in Motcomb St, in the center of Belgravia in London and with other two in London the Rococo has gain a great reputation within the London for selling rich and high quality chocolates. The founder and owner Coady is also the head of the chocolate society in London (Coe & Coe, 2007). With the vast experience of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Nuclear Weapons Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Nuclear Weapons - Thesis Proposal Example In spite of the apprehensions that have been elevated about the nuclear weapons, those who are taking part in the creation and development of such weapons have stated that the weapons are not intended to disturb the world peace. They have argued that the project is important for their countries and should not be seen as steps towards destabilizing the world or causing unnecessary harm to the world populations. Some people have argued that the nuclear weapons pose no threat to the world and they should therefore not be destroyed and the countries that are involved in the creation and development of the nuclear weapons should be allowed to proceed with the projects (Mueller par 3). B. The public needs to be given information on the various perspectives of the nuclear weapons and also on the implications that devolvement and use of the weapons will have on their lives as well as the lives of the rest of the world population (Krieger 65) A. When countries are involved in the creation of nuclear weapons, other counties use it as an excuse to also develop their own nuclear weapons and this has led to the militarization of world countries (Bernstein 43) B. Others have however argued that the choice to engage in the creation of the weapons is something that is solely dependent on the administration of a country and is not influenced by the fact that others are engaging in it (Mueller para 4) D. Some, however, argue that the nuclear weapons are not the sole cause of cross-border diplomacy wars since such wars and relations issues exist even in areas where nuclear development and creation is not taking place.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Argue why Willy commits suicide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Argue why Willy commits suicide - Essay Example Willy badly orients in the world, looking at it through pink glasses of his interpretation of the American Dream. His perception is childish and mythopoetic, and as all of us he is awfully afraid that his world can be broken, while as all of us he is not able to find his place beyond the mental frameworks he has built his life on. Loman’s interpretation of the American Dream makes him measure happiness in terms of success and material wellness that can be reached, as in a fairy tale, due to luck and favorable appearance. Abandoned by his father and elder brother, Loman strives for being â€Å"well-liked†. Unable to realize his dreams himself, Willy puts great hopes onto his sons, who fail to justify them. Frightened and directed by false visions, he is constantly lying to himself and people surrounding him. This way he tries to blind himself. â€Å"We never told the truth for ten minutes in this house!† - exclaims Biff. Loman has no friends. At last Willy is aban doned even by his sons. His suicide is first of all his childish attempt to be loved at last. Planting the garden at night, Willy imagines his funerals: â€Å"Ben, that funeral will be massive! Theyll come from Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire! All the old-timers with the strange license plates—that boy will be thunderstruck, Ben, because he never realized—I am known! Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey—I am known, Ben, and hell see it with his eyes once and for all. Hell see what I am, Ben! Hes in for a shock, that boy!† Death is an opportunity to make his sons regret of him and see that his life had meaning. Naively Willy associates his funerals with those of Singleman, to which "hundreds of salesmen and buyers came." Funerals are to become Willy’s triumph. In fact, all his life is waiting for those funerals, demonstrating that he is â€Å"well-liked† and respected, that he has achieved much in life. Willy commits his suicide in hope that his family will get insurance money.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Oppisition Arguments Essay Example for Free

Oppisition Arguments Essay Animals deserve the same rights as people because they can feel pain; therefore, everyone in the world should become vegetarians. Animals do not deserve the same rights as humans. If so then we should give plants and vegetables rights as well. We kill a lot more plants then we do animals, so I believe that everyone should eat strictly meat only. America should not act as a â€Å"World Policeman† because it has enough domestic issues of its own to deal with. Even though America has a lot bases throughout the world, this does not mean that we are the world Policeman. We are just helping our allies so we could keep trading with these countries for natural Resources. Immigration should be allowed without any caps because it brings in skilled workers and increases the cultural variety of American Society. If we decided to take the cap off on immigration then we can see a lot more businesses hiring cheaper labor which means the unemployment percentage will go up and cause us to have another great depression. Parents should never be held responsible for the crimes of their juvenile children because children should be held responsible for their own actions, even if it means trying them as an adult. Parents should be held responsible for their kids because it is their job to raise them and look after them. If they were watching their kids then their kids probably wouldn’t be committing crimes. Beauty pageants are a fantastic way for young girls to increase their self-esteem, practice public speaking and cultivate their talents. Beauty pageants are one of the worst places for young girls to increase self-esteem. You’re in a competition were all the contestants are trying to be the most beautiful of them all and will try to put you down to win.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How The Family Life Is Changing

How The Family Life Is Changing How much is family life changing? In one of the BBC articles written by Mark Easton in 2007, he highlights that in a survey which is made by BBC, three quarters of Britain are positive about future of their family. Correlatively, it is deduced that 40 years ago people were less happy than now. When the BBC exhibited its research of families in Britain, the result demonstrated that closest relationships between family members were deteriorating in time in consequence of reduction in traditional family structures. In spite of all alterations, 93% of the people in the world are satisfied with their family life. Moreover, Easton claims that for every three weddings there are now two divorces which shows the highest rate in Europe. Cohabitation has increased to 64% in ten years. So that, approximately half of children were born outside wedlock. What is the Family Life for a Single Parent? What Easton states in a BBC article in 2007 is that the highest proportion of lone parenting is in Europe which also indicates that one on four children now stay with a single mother. In addition, Academic studies have been proved in 2007 that children who have one mother are less successful at school than offspring of married couples. According to growing numbers of people (7/10) rely on that parent are getting worse at family life. Although Easton gives a general information and important statistics about lone parenting, Kimberly Gail highlights essential sides of single parenting in 2011 in BBC news. According to Gails point of view, parenting is a challenging endeavour. Lone parenting is not only challenging but also very fulfilling. The custodial parent struggles with responsibility of looking after and providing basic requirement. When you are a lonely mother, you are expected to make up your mind by yourself and so that you can have a healthy and happy family life through following some primary steps. Gail divides lone parenting into 5 groups. COMMITMENT- In an attempt to be as successful parent, you have to have courage to take responsibilities as they fall on your shoulders. Your family is supposed to be your priority. Due to the fact that you are a parent, you are committed to spend time and money to support your children physically and emotionally. HOME MANAGEMENT- Because lone parenting requires you to be alone in your house hold, organisation is essential. Many single parent families are responsible for arranging household. In order to be successful in organising, one of the good ways is to create an assigned daily list of household chores for everybody. It is even very easy for a small child as she/he will be picking up and putting away the toys. RESPONSIBILTY- Single parents are responsible for rising children alone and direct them to variety of activities. RELATIONSHIPS AND TRADITIONS- It is substantial for parents to carry daily rituals. Rituals and traditions are materials of keeping family members together and can be a relaxing reminder of stability. In order to give examples to keep rituals going; get together for a dinner, go out for bowling at the weekend and join to activities that will create a warm environment as it reinforces family chains. SELF-CARE- Many single parents sacrifice a lot to make stable house warmer for their children. However, parents should know that taking care of them is also very important. Daily exercise reduces stress and provides you a healthy life. Taking time with family and parents is also essential to strengthen relationships. Some parents also take advantage of religious community and spiritual guidance. Technologys role The other factor in family life which we can mention is technology. As it is easier to access to a public transport than 50 years ago, the distance between family members decreased. According to Mark Easton (BBC Home Editor) mobile phones have made communication between family members easier, even though the internet has not yet become very common in family environment. With regard to the researches in 2007 less than a third of internet users preferred contacting their parents every week and 8% of them communicated everyday. Although family life changes fast, we esteem are family ties more than ever. According to what James Westhead states, despite increasing influence on family life, with computers and internet, it is clear that they have negative impact on relationships. Parents complain about the amount of time that their children spend in front of screens rather than involve in traditional family activities. To give an example, Second Life is a programme which makes people or families interact online as an avatar and even share family meals. Professor Lewis implies that Technology is a double edged sword for families, it can erode and reduce human interaction but at the same time, technology is great at bringing people together just look at mobile phone use within families. (Lewic.C, BBC news: 2007) A BBC pool has indicated that most of the British people are very positive about their family future. A question arises; what will size of families be in the future? According to predictions, in case trends in the past continue, parents in the future will not have many children and not get married. In reference to researches, the percentage of children who has non-married parents has increased 3 times more in last 50 years to 40% while the number of children has dropped to 1.8 in a family. A third of un-married parents are single and the rest of the people are co-habiting, however are more willing to separate than in the past. According to James Westhead, predictions are unreliable. Professor Charlies Lewis (expert on family psychology) highlights that we will encounter with more single parents and more separation People are already making and breaking relationships more easily and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Fighting between parents who stay together can be harmful for children. (Lewis.C, BBC News: 2007). The most influential factor is most probably economic. Moreover, the increasing cost of living and pressure leads people to have fewer children. Families become hot political topic It was brought forward that single parents and other family variations should not be involved in government policy. It is a common thought that while some traditional families which includes a married couple looking after children in a constant home seemed to be the ideal, dramatic social changes occurred in last decades and it became intolerable to base policy on it. According to Assinder in 2007, social changes caused the nuclear family to emerge. Furthermore, it was argued by some people that most of the social problems were generated by collapse in traditional family life. Correlatively, Tory Prime Minister John Major began to cut married couples tax allowance in mid 1990s and it was ended by Labour in 2000. The leader David Cameron implied in BBCs News night in 2007: Marriage is, on the whole, a good thing that should be rewarded not punished. In addition, the chief secretary, Andy Burnham gave his opinion about marriage and stated that I dont think the Tories should have a mon opoly on this kind of thing. This is totally where Gordon Brown is coming from, your roots and your family are everything. Never the less, the policy on family is possible to alter, as majority of people showed interest to David Camerons announcements. Particularly, Camerons promissory speech in order to increase the inheritance tax to  £1million took less attention in the party conference. According to Liberal Democrats, tax break are not the right way to be chosen and they insist to focus on helping couples stay together. It appears that the family is bound to become one of the most common issues in following elections and policy.

Design of Interventional Biomedical Devices

Design of Interventional Biomedical Devices 1. Neurovascular Catheters and Engineering Design 1. Case Study 1. The following catheter found in the cathlabdigest written by Gill Laroya discusses the advancement of the design of interventional biomedical devices from an engineering perspective and how engineers enhance the design of catheters to prevent problems such as kink. The article discusses areas such as the history of biomedical devices, the materials involved, design challenges and the interface. It discusses a specific example in terms of catheters and their use. If a catheter must travel a long distance within the neurovascular anatomy, the engineer designing the product might decide to incorporate a shaft support component, such as a stainless steel braid in order to enhance the micro catheters kink resistance. The down side of incorporating the stainless steel braid is its ability to travel within tight sections and irregular shaped bends within the neurovascular system. In order to solve this problem a stainless steel coil support is added to the distal end of the catheter, the ad dition of the coil support enhances lateral flexibility and adding hoop strength to even better the kink resistance of the micro catheter. Also, the engineer can add a lubricous hydrophilic coating to the catheter to improve axial and rotational handling of the device and reduce trauma on the walls of the veins and arteries. The study shows us how we can design micro catheters to prevent problems such as kink occurring. (2016). The Design of Interventional Devices: An Engineers Perspective | Cath Lab Digest. 2. Neurovascular Catheter Design The following article was posted in Medical Tubing Types by Shana Leonard on December 12, 2014. Form the article it is predicted that by 2020 the neurovascular market will reach $600 million, according to iData Research. A key factor contributing to the growth of this sector is down to the various advancements of the biomedical device. The design goal for minimally invasive surgical devices is to strive towards engineering the smallest possible outside diameter for a micro catheter device without compromising any of the performance characteristics. Designing neurovascular catheters to meet these constraints must take into account the intricate neurovascular anatomy. (2016). Key Considerations for Designing Neurovascular Microcatheters | MDDI Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry News Products and Suppliers. According to Steven W. Berhow, president of Rogers, MN-based Biomerics Advanced Catheter, he believes that upon designing neurovascular catheters they must contain the following traits; Good torque within the shaft from the proximal to distal end. Flexibility in the distal portion of the catheter. Kink Resistance. Visibility under fluoroscopy. Low Stretch. High Pressure. Good guidewire movement. These 7 traits stand as basic constraints when it comes to designing intricate, complicated neurovascular minimally invasive devices. Figure 2. Neurovascular Catheter Design. (2016). Key Considerations for Designing Neurovascular Microcatheters | MDDI Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry News Products and Suppliers. 3. Advanced Catheters The first thing you need to know is what an advanced catheter is. So according to Bill Alexander, Director of Business Development at Biomerics Advanced Catheter, an advanced catheter is a minimally invasive medical device that typically consists of a thin walled, braid reinforced tube or shaft with multiple durometers. An advanced catheter has the ability to navigate through the neurovascular anatomy and deliver implants and devices such as coils, heart stents etc. The difference between advanced catheters and traditional catheters can be mainly seen when it comes to manufacturing the product. A little error in the materials used in an advanced catheter can lead to larger errors as the specific wall thickness requirement of an advance catheter are very strict to ensure optimal performance. Characteristics such as pushability, trackability, torqueability and kink resistance are crucial for the advanced catheter design. Traditional catheters and advanced catheters are not mutually exclusive and can be used to benefit each other and improve patient surgical results. (2016). Advanced catheters What you need to know about this growing medical device market. Figure 3 Advanced Catheters and Traditional Catheters.   (2016). Advanced catheters What you need to know about this growing medical device market. Advanced catheters have the ability to incorporate new technologies and have a more complex design than traditional catheters. 2. Human Neurovascular and Cardiovascular Anatomy 1. Cardiovascular System The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood vessels along with blood itself. It transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones and more and is powered by the heart. The heart consists of 2 circulatory loops, the pulmonary circulation loop and the systematic circulation loop. The pulmonary circulation transports deoxygenated blood from the right atrium and ventricle to the lungs. The systematic circulation carries oxygenated blood from the left atrium and left ventricle to all around the body. The cardiovascular system consists of blood vessels, coronary circulation (hearts own set of blood vessels), hepatic portal circulation (veins of stomach and intestines) and the blood itself (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma). An understanding of the complex network and its physical structures are important when designing non-invasive medical devices. System, C. (2016). Cardiovascular System. InnerBody.   Figure 4 Cardiovascular System. (2016). Circulatory system PowerPoint Blood vessels are the road network by which blood transports around the body and returns back to the heart again. This intricate tiny transportation system of blood vessels has a major part to play when engineering advanced catheters and ensuring problems such as kinking dont occur. 2. Structure and Functions of Blood Vessels Blood vessels consist of arteries and veins. Arteries bring blood away from the heart. As the arteries are brought away from the heart they eventually become smaller and are broken down to the smallest arteries called arterioles which further branch into capillaries where gases and nutrients are excreted or exchanged. Veins have a larger structure and bring blood back to the heart again. As can be seen below in figure 4, the cardiovascular circuit can be seen where two main circulatory systems occur. The pulmonary circulatory system and systematic circulatory system. Each providing their own different structural differences that engineers must take into account when designing minimally invasive medical devices. (2016). Structure and Function of Blood Vessels  · Anatomy and Physiology. Figure 5 Structure of Blood Vessels. ] (2016). The structure of blood vessels can be seen below. The artery and the veins vary in thickness as can be seen from the micrograph in figure 6. From figure 5, it can be seen that Arteries have a thicker Tunica media than Veins but veins have a larger tunica externa than arteries. Figure 6 Arteries vs Veins Structural differences. (2016).  Ã‚   Figure 7 Micrograph showing the relevant difference in thickness. (2016). As can be seen in figure 6 and 5, vein walls are considerably thinner than Artery walls meaning veins withstand a much lower pressure of blood passing through them. Table 1 Appearance of Arteries and Veins. (2016). Arteries Veins General Appearance Thick walls, small lumen Rounded appearance Thin walls, large lumen Flattened appearance Conor Patrick Goold, DME4. 7 3. Shapes of Catheters in the Neurovascular Anatomy 1. Guide Catheters and shapes in the Neurovascular system. The following is an example of a Stryker neurovascular catheter called the DAC catheter. From figure 8, it can be seen that the DAC catheter accesses the distal neurovasculature. It achieves this by providing enhanced stability through a braided shaft and this in turn also provides resistance to ovulation. Preventing shapes such as snaking and reducing friction against the blood vessel walls. (2016). Neurovascular Intervention DACâ„ ¢ Catheter: Stryker. Figure 8 Catheters, Shapes and Uses. (2016). Neurovascular Intervention DACâ„ ¢ Catheter: Stryker. 2. Neurovascular Catheters in the Brain. The following images are obtained through a technique that requires the use of a minimally invasive advanced neurovascular catheter. What these images do is they give a visual understanding of the intricate nature in which the catheters must travel within the cardio vascular system. To do this the catheter is guided under x-ray guidance through neurovascular and cardiovascular system. The catheter for this procedure is usually brought to a blood vessel located in the neck and a non-ionic x-ray contrast agent is injected into the blood vessels which then in turn travels through to the brain. Prior to this procedure the catheter is then removed through the groin and the bleeding is stopped through direct manual compression or by using a vascular closure device. (2016). Introductory Brain Angiography | Figure 9 ICA Internal Carotid Artery. (2016). Introductory Brain Angiography | In order to reach such distances in the neurovascular system, many advanced catheters are used to travel so far. The deployment of a large support catheter through the groin goes first and then a variation of other smaller catheters are deployed through the larger catheter in order to reach the required location and deploy medical devices such as coils and stents. Figure 10. CT scan of Brain. (2016). Introductory Brain Angiography | 3. Neurovascular Catheters in the heart. Figure 11 shows the placement of a pacemaker into the heart by the deployment from a minimally invasive advanced catheter. The catheter enters the body through the collar bone on the left hand side of the heart and enters through the veins to place an electronic or mechanical pacemaker into the heart to overcome heart problems such as tachyarrhythmias, which occurs when your heart beats too fast or bradyarrhythmias, which occurs when your heart beats too slow. System, C. (2016). Cardiovascular System. Figure 11 Advanced Catheters in the Heart. System, C. (2016). Cardiovascular System. From figure 11, the C shaped position of the catheter can be seen. A number of issues can occur from an engineering perspective when a catheter must bend into the shape of a C. Kinking can occur at the maximum area of stress and strain. Engineers must design their advanced catheters in order to prevent kink from occurring and so a reinforcement braid is usually added to increase the hoop stresses of the catheter and the addition of this braid also provides better torqueability and pushability of the medical delivery device to allow it to bend to the required positions to deploy a pacemaker in the heart. 4. Research into Existing Test Methods 1. Simple existing Test methods The following is the most basic of test methods implemented by physicians when no Standard test method is available and time is of the essence. This method was applied when surgeons were experiences kinking in catheters when deployed into patients. In order to predetermine kink from happening the physicians used a simple bending technique to test for the kinking limit of catheters. If the catheter kinked, the unit was rendered useless, if not it was determined safe to use. This method is clearly not an optimal solution so further investigation into the kinking limit of catheters had to be researched and developed. Beamer, J. and French, G. (2016). A simple method for testing for the kinking epidural catheter. Figure 12 Simple Test Method No kink LHS and Kinked RHS. Beamer, J. and French, G. (2016). A simple method for testing for the kinking epidural catheter. 1.1 Simple existing test methods The catheter bends around the pin, having a predetermined diameter, D. The diameter can range from a number of different values, 5mm 50mm. The catheter is bent around the template and contacts the template at 2 tangential locations, to generate a curve and predetermine L = D. Figure 13 Kink resistance Test Method. Anon, (2016). 2. Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended Labelling for Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery Systems The following FDA guidelines outline the standards to abide by when dealing with stents and associated delivery systems. It details how the content and format of test data should be summarised in a report as well as detailing the test reports and test protocol procedures to carry out. For this test method, a review of the non-clinical engineering section was undertaken focusing on the section B (Stent Dimensions and Functional attributes) of the non-clinical engineering test, part 16. Part 16 gave FDA guidelines in kink resistance. The significance of outlining FDA guidelines for stents which are delivered by advanced catheters, it to prevent kink occurring when the normal body is in motion such as an elbow joint flexing and to ensure that no deformation to the stent occurs. This also applied to the stent delivery system when the physician deploying the stent into the human anatomy as the advanced catheter must be engineered to prevent kink from occurring upon deployment. The recommended outcome to prevent kink from happening, according to the FDA guidance document, is to determine the smallest radius of curvature that the stent can withstand and recover to its original shape and size. The test carried out to determine the smallest radius of curvature must replicate the area to which the stent will be deployed i.e. the femoral arteries. This recommended advice for implementing stents to the human body can be tailored towards the stent delivery systems also i.e. the advanced catheters. Therefore these guidelines will be taken into account when developing a test method to determine the kinking limit of catheters. See appendices for further detail regarding the FDA guidance documents discussed. (2016). Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery Systems. 3. Standards and guidelines ProtomedLabs provide a list of standards and regulations that relate to flexibility and kink resistance test methods. Information on the state of the art available testing equipment is provided such as the interventional device testing equipment (IDTE) from MSI which will be discussed further in part 4 of this section (MSI Catheter testing equipment). The ProtomedLabs provide information on flexibility kink resistance regarding applicable standards, related tests and test method descriptions. Applicable standards such as the FDA guidelines discussed in heading 2 above as well as ASTM standard guide for three point bending of balloon expandable vascular stents and stent systems which will be further discussed in section 5 of the literature review. (2016). Flexibility Kink Resistance Protomed Labs. 4. MSI Catheter testing equipment State of the art interventional device testing equipment (IDTE), compares tests and analyses performance catheters, quantifying the data of each catheter being tested. The PC allows for simple and repeatable tests with instantaneous feedback on design changes of the catheter. The IDTE was designed taking into account several different standards and test regulations such as ISO standard 25539-1 which covers cardiovascular implants endovascular devices and ISO 15539 Cardiovascular implants Endovascular Prostheses. The product is the most state of the art catheter testing equipment available right now and differentiates itself from the rest of the market by having the ability to test catheters in extremely realistic and challenging conditions. MSI. (2016). Catheter Testing MSI. Figure 14. IDTE Test Equipment. MSI. (2016). Catheter Testing MSI. The IDTE has a high temperature range with ambient temperatures of 50oC, a water bath with a temperature accuracy of +/- 2oC. It has auxiliary load cells of 100g and distal load cells of 1kg. It has the ability to test track force which is the force needed to advance a catheter, push efficiency which measures the amount of force being measured from the proximal end to the distal end, flexibility, torqueability a measure of the rotational response, retractability a measure of the amount of force required to withdraw a catheter and the crossability which measures the ability of a catheter to cross the abnormal narrowing of a passage in the body. The machine itself weighs 250kg with a height of 1372mm, width of 1194mm and a depth of 940mm. the output data of each tested is outputted onto a computer where numerical or graphical results can be formulated. MSI. (2016). Catheter Testing MSI. 5. Current Test Methods available to determine Kinking Point 1. ASTM F2606 Standard guide for three-point bending of balloon expandable vascular stents and stent systems The three point bending of stent system guidelines provide a test method that can be used to compare the flexibility of different advanced catheters by comparing load deflection curves and by comparison of calculated slopes of the curves. The test method uses a simple 3 point bending test. The upper single load applier and the two static load supporters as seen below in figure 14 must have a radius of 6.35mm. Another requirement of this test is that both the upper load applier and the two bottom static load supporters must be made of a material with a low friction coefficient so that they do contribute to the results outputted from carrying out this experiment. This test method can also be carried out in a bath of 37oC, which replicates the ambient body temperature and realistic conditions, if this application is necessary, the fixtures can be made from stainless steel or other materials that will not rust. Figure 15 Example of a three point bending test. YouTube. (2017). Catheter Bend Test at Anecto. This test has many benefits as it can many advanced catheters can be used with this method and it is applicable to many different products. It does not cause damage to the product prior to testing and can test the kinking limit along different material junctions. The test method ASTM F2606 uses a tensile tester to output its results to a computer in numerical or graphical form. (2017). ASTM F2606 Three-Point Bending Balloon Expandable Vascular Stents and Stent Systems Instron. 3. BS EN 13868 Catheters test methods for kinking of single lumen catheters and medical tubing This standard test method looks at the kinking of catheters being used for short term or long term uses. The short term use determines the kinking limit of a catheter being used less in than an hour and the long term is above an hour. The tube is defined as being kinked when the flow meter (Labelled 4 in figure 15 below) is outputting a reading 50% lower than the original reading. The original reading is read when the kink tools (Labelled 7) are either 50mm, 100mm or 200mm apart, depending on the users required starting distance. When the kinking tools are being compressed by the tensile tester (Labelled 7) the mass flow rate of the water flowing from the beakers (Labelled 2) will begin to reduce. Once the mass flow rate reduces to 50% of its original the catheter is said to be kinked and the test is complete. The results are outputted to a computer which gives numerical and graphical results. This test method is very beneficial as it is convenient, safe and fit for purpose. Difficulties may arise when using this test method when it comes to the fittings of the flow meter with the different sized catheters. As all catheters vary in sizes, the universal fitting of the flow meter may be difficult to mate with the distal/proximal ends of the various advanced catheters. See Appendices for more detail regarding BS EN 13868 kinking of single lumen catheters. European Standard, (2002). Catheters Test methods for kinking of single lumen catheters and medical tubing. BS EN 13868:2002. Figure 16 Short Term (LHS) and Long Term (RHS) Test methods for kinking single lumen catheters and medical tubings European Standard, (2002). Catheters Test methods for kinking of single lumen catheters and medical tubing. BS EN 13868:2002. 6. Proposed Mathematical Methods for Determining Optimal Test Method significant factors. 1. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Testing. The analysis of variance method determines if groups (related or unrelated) are statistically significant to each other. In order to carry out an ANOVA test, a hypothesis must first be determined. A hypothesis is a standard procedure about testing a claim about a property of a population. First a null hypothesis is formed. The Null hypothesis will test the significance of the hypothesis by either rejecting or failing to reject the claim of the null hypothesis. The Null hypothesis will claim that no difference exist between the population and the alternative hypothesis will claim that a difference exists between the populations. The alternative hypothesis will state that one or more of the parameters involved in a population will differ from the null hypothesis. The next step in an ANOVA test is to determine if the null hypothesis should be rejected or is it better to fail to reject the null hypothesis. In order to do so, an understanding of a type 1 and type 2 error is needed. A type 1 error is when the null hypothesis is rejected when in fact it should be accepted. The symbol ÃŽ ± is used to represent a type 1 error. A type 2 error is the mistake of failing to reject the null hypothesis when in fact it is false. The symbol to represent a type 2 error is ÃŽ ². In order to determine when the results are statistically significand and when the null hypothesis should be rejected, then p < ÃŽ ±, therefore the result is statistically significant and the null hypothesis should be rejected. If p > ÃŽ ±, then the null hypothesis should fail to be rejected and the results are statistically insignificant. Lacey, S. (2017). Mathematics for Engineers 402. 2. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Examples. To show how the ANOVA method can be applied to the parameters involved in determining the kinking limit of catheters and which factors attribute to the kinking limit the most i.e. which are statistically significant or insignificant, an example where an experiment was undertaken to test the effect of temperature and bar size on the UTS of a weld. The results from the experiment are show below in figure 16 and analysis of variance was carried out in order to determine the level of significance each parameter had on the strength of a weld. Lacey, S. (2017). Mathematics for Engineers 402. Figure 17 Analysis of Variance Example Dr. Sean Lacey, 2016, Mathematics for Engineers 402. Figure 18 Analysis of Variance Example Dr. Sean Lacey, 2016, Mathematics for Engineers 402. Figure 19 Analysis of Variance Example Dr. Sean Lacey, 2016, Mathematics for Engineers 402. Figure 20 Analysis of Variance Example Dr. Sean Lacey, 2016, Mathematics for Engineers 402. 7. Material Properties of Neurovascular Catheters Advanced catheters are engineered to perform an increasing number of minimally invasive surgeries. They must be able to guide their way through the intricate pathways of the neurovascular, cardiovascular and other anatomies. In order to achieve these demands, using ultra small catheters of 0.5 mm, the design must be near perfect and material selection for this design is key. Catheters consists mainly of 3 layers, the liner, the braiding and the outer sheath. They can be made up to lengths ranging from 900mm 1200 mm. the best material for use in catheters are fluoropolymers such as PTFE and FEP due to their biocompatibility and lubricous properties. PTFE is the most lubricous polymer on the market today followed by FEP. The materials can undergo secondary processing steps such as etching and cutting, along with post extrusion expansion such as heat-shrinking. The liner layer mainly is made from PTFE for it lubricity, ability to maintain a thin wall and have a small diameter. The braid reinforcement layer is mainly made from Type 304 or 306 stainless steel. This layer increase is strength and rigidity without kinking the catheter. It increases the rigidity at the proximal end with a smaller pitch between winds and decrease rigidity at the distal end with a larger pitch between winds. This is done to provide greater torque transition from the proximal to distal tip of the catheter. The coil provides a greater kink resistance to the catheter along with reinforcing the catheters liner against ovalization by maximising the hoop stress. The outer sheath is made up of high performance materials such as Pebax, FEP, PTFE, ETFE, polyurethane, polyethylene and nylon. (2016). Think Extrusion and Beyond for Optimal Catheter Design | MDDI Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry News Products and Suppliers. Figure 21 Material layers of a Neurovascular Catheter. (2016). Think Extrusion and Beyond for Optimal Catheter Design | MDDI Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry News Products and Suppliers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Woman as Muse and Begetter: Susan Barton’s “anxiety of authorship”

In their 1979 work titled The Madwoman in the Attic, Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar discuss the difficulties faced by Victorian women attempting to write in a patriarchal society. Gilbert and Gubar describe the â€Å"anxiety of authorship† experienced by female writers who thus believe they are not capable of creating a successful work. J.M. Coetzee’s 1986 novel Foe, follows its protagonist Susan Barton as she experiences such anxiety in early eighteenth century England. Barton’s anxieties as well as the society in which she lives lead her to employ the writer Daniel Foe to write the story of her experience as a castaway. Throughout her encounters with Foe, Barton describes the difficulty of writing and in one instance, asks whether there exists a muse for female writers as well as males. This question echoes that asked by Gilbert and Gubar in their examination of the differences between the experience of male and female writers. In Foe, despite the fact that Barton gives over the responsibility of writing her story, she maintains some authority and control over the way in which it is written. The most concentrated example of this is when Barton claims the role of Foe’s muse, along with that of â€Å"father† of her story. In doing so, she reverses gendered terms associated with reproduction and successfully remains an active participant in the writing of her story despite not writing it herself. One question raised by Gilbert and Gubar in â€Å"The Madwoman in the Attic† is that of the muse in relation to the female poet. Cited is Harold Bloom’s idea that sexual intercourse between the male poet and the female muse is a metaphor for the poetic process. Through this metaphorical encounter, the male poet and the female muse unite with the res... ...ished to tell, there is a sense that she has resigned herself to this fact and has attempted to remain close with her story through her sexual encounter with Foe and embodiment of the muse. That she is not the writer of her story seems to imply the failings of society rather than those of her own attempts to write it. Although Barton does not overcome the gendered ideas of who can be a writer and who cannot, her decision to take advantage of other gender roles and influence the production of her story as a muse deeply involves her in the writing process. Works Cited Coetzee, J.M. Foe. London: Penguin, 1987. Print. Gilbert, Sandra M. and Susan Gubar. "From The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination." The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. 2nd ed. New York: W. W. Norton &, 2010. 1926-1938. Print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Raven Essay -- Edgar Allen Poe

The Loss of a Loved Maiden   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In â€Å"The Raven† by Edgar Allan Poe, one sees the internal torment of a man in mourning for the lost love of a maiden, named Lenore that has died. The narrator expresses a sea of emotions over the vision of a raven haunting and taunting him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the man sits in his chamber he only seems to notice the negativity of his surroundings in a depressive state of mind over his lost. â€Å"..A midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary†. He was, as many people seem to be when they are depressed, in a lethargic and calm state nearly sleeping. He then was disturb by a tapping noise and slowly grew from slight excitement into fear and nervousness over the commotion. â€Å"And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain thrilled me- filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before.† The narrator tried to rationalize the situation into some coincidental incident of someone at his door yet, there was no one there. To this he plainly states, â€Å"Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,† only to perhaps start to question his sanity until he heard another noise. At this point in the poem one may clearly see his very painful condition and state of mind as he wishfully whispers the word â€Å"Lenore†. The marginal state between idealism and reality has blurred.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the narrator tensely turns to the window to â€Å"explore† the disturbance, there the reader meets the raven that has entered into the room and placed him...

Illicit Trade and Drug Trafficking Proving to be a Major Problem Essay

Illicit Trade and Drug Trafficking Proving to be a Major Problem Drug trafficking and illicit trade have proven to be major problems that the international community face as it enters into the twenty-first century. Currently the illegal drug trade market is one of the largest sectors of the modern global economy. Because of this fact, the drug trade is deeply rooted in many nations economic and social cultures, which makes it very difficult to control. Drug trafficking also brings with it the problems of organized crime money laundering, corruption, and violence. In 1999, the United Nations Economic and Social Council warned that the international drug trade was brutal, dangerous, and ruthless for those involved with its actions, as well as those trying to enforce restrictions against it. In the debate over the international illicit drug trade, many have argued that the current situation is based on a supply and demand. The international business of narcotics produces around 400 billion dollars in trade each year, which accounts for almost 10% of all worldwide trade. With that in mind, over the past decades the problem with the illicit trafficking of drugs has been based mainly on the supply of narcotics to the international community. Many nations such as Thailand, Laos, Pakistan, Morocco, Columbia, Peru, and Bolivia are heavily dependant upon the profits of the international drug trade. The United Nations has been continuously involved in stressing the need for governments to reduce production and supply of illicit drugs. However, many nations rely on the profits of the international drug trade as a sustaining force in their economies; this has proven to be a very difficult task. Over time, the problem with illicit drug trade has worsened, over the last decade the production of opium and marijuana nearly doubled, and the production of cocaine tripled. The increase in the demand for drugs, has led to the increase in production of synthetic drugs as well as an increase in the profits for those involved in the drug trade themselves. With the demand for drugs on the rise throughout the international community the time has come for problem solving bodies such as the United Nations to step in and take action. Past United Nations Actions For the past decade the United Nations has been heavily involved in the fight against the illicit drug... ...d NGOs to encourage farmers to reduce the cultivation of illicit opium in favor of alternative crops, but more action needs to be taken.  · Middle Eastern Bloc With the rise of the black market and mafia in certain areas, drug consumption has taken a major rise in recent years. Demand for opium, cannabis, heroin and cocaine have risen drastically. The governments within this region must focus on the stronger law enforcement and restriction of corruption especially in transit countries. . Policy Questions  · What systems or programs does your country support relating to drug trade and control?  · What, if anything, has your country done in the past to help deal with illicit drug trade?  · Does your country rely on illicit drug trade for its economy?  · What has your nation done in collaboration with the United Nations or other independent NGO’s to combat illicit drug trade? Research Here are some good sites for research- And don’t forget the Mira Costa MUN site GOOD LUCK!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Confederation Of British Industry Education Essay

When seting the alumnus attributes into context in the employment facet, here in the United Kingdom among the 67 taking employers, that offer workplace to the United Kingdom ‘s population, the top 5 employers come to be? WhatIf! Innovation, AmicusHorizon, ARM Ltd, Avanade UK Ltd and Bentley Motors Ltd ( Source: britainstopemployers ) . alumnuss in professions organic structure are frequently requiredA to take a preparative twelvemonth or the twelvemonth of preparation that is paid less than ?20,000 a twelvemonth, but when to the full trained and graduated in their professional Fieldss, the rewards tends to lift well, the get downing wages for undergraduate will depend on what occupation you have been prompted to make or on which sector you are located: as concern survey graduates earn ?21,329 a twelvemonth ( the complete university usher ) nevertheless, the minimal wage for alumnus in my chosen sector of Marketing Analyst goes from ?20000 to ?45000 a twelvemonth ( Source: micha elpage ) / ( Beginning: guardianjobs ) . The turning industries here in the UK are largely Retailers ‘ companies, which are owned and run by enterprisers ( Beginning: fasttrack ) .To going a selling analyst as my future occupation ‘s function as a alumnus to be, is really competitory and house and holding been graduated as a unmarried man ‘s might non be sufficient, even holding a grade in maestro without a work experience could non besides be advantageous. However, I should equilibrate my instruction and work field in stead of a prompt opportunity in employment, as the entries requirement in footings of accomplishments start by supplying rival analysis, market research, pricing scheme, prediction, database use and general market analysis. I should be able placing forms and tendencies, patterning mark clients and industry sectors and construing informations to place chances. As most administrations demand, I should hold some commercial selling experience within a s imilar analytical selling function and skilled in informations use and tendency staining. I must be able to pass on good orally and in authorship, I besides need a good critical thought and be analytical skilled. It ‘s besides requires to see myself go oning on instruction beyond BA by holding my Maestro in selling, finance or economic sciences in order to put myself a more competitory rival, by holding achieved my alumnus class with 1st category or 2:1 category class, which is likely best if I hope to go a Marketing Analyst. Another thing related to my chosen alumnus aspiration as a Marketing Analyst, is to get the hang a 2nd linguistic communication to increase my research pool and do myself a more valuable add-on to employers and looking for work experience of early functions in finance or selling, as many employers require at least a anterior twelvemonth experience ( Beginning: eHow ) .Now base on these demand of Marketing Analyst, my usual aim is to see myself as a indivi dual utile to the society, holding established a concern activity of my ain, where I will be working as a exclusive bargainer but in the other manus, I besides ought to keep an undergraduate certification to force myself frontward to be a Marketing Analyst in the hereafter.My self-assessment cognition & A ; Current accomplishmentsIn my current function at my working topographic point, as a Team Leader that I am, I largely engage myself with strategic believing on how to delight my superior and non to be let down with the squad I am working with, I therefore design strategic action program of all time since we are all working in a busy environment with long hours of standing. I ever work with my squad merely to maintain them concentrate and stay optimistic and convey my aim at the terminal of the displacement, as I am an unfastened individual I efficaciously balance personal and work life to the people I work with, this is where I am more unfastened, relax and critic could be done where betterment could be applied by accommodating behavior and methods of work in response to new information, altering fortunes or unexpected hurdlings. I am non ever right but I quickly adjust to new state of affairs and declaration, by making and prolong an organisational civilization which encourages others to supply me with their personal idea. I besides enable my squad with self-awareness to execute good by demoing committedness to each over, I understand that the work is non easy when you have to stand for 12 hours and some people are non physically fit to stand for that long, this is where the work force is cut downing the attempt to work toward my nonsubjective as I ever monitor the work every hours sing what we have produced so fare and when I perceive the work non at the criterion he has to be I rapidly take action to happen out what went incorrect with my squad how to better the work, I improvise action program to forestall possible state of affairss that could ensue in unpleasant before my superior and I. I sometime trade with confrontations among my squad where as a Team Leader, I tend to work out struggles and dissensions in a positive mode to minimise negative impact on my work. I largely motivate my squad and steer them toward end achievement. I systematically develop and prolong concerted working relationships with everyone from work topographic point to everywhere I go, when it comes to working with person I have ne'er worked with. I encourage and facilitate cooperation with friends at the University and with my squad. At my work topographic point, I tend to place and analyze jobs ; distinguishes between relevant and irrelevant information to do logical determinations, I exercises good judgement by doing sound and intelligent determinations ; by comprehending the impact and deductions my determinations ; I so schedule it on my paper note where I ever keep record of what I have to make each twenty-four hours when I am at work by doing effectual and timely determinations, even when my solutions given to them seems to be unpleasant effects ; but ever tend to do certain that what I am making is proactive and achievement oriented I besides make clear and convincing unwritten presentations to individual in the group I work with because we all have linguistic communications barrier where most of us including I, English is non our first linguistic communication. I express myself efficaciously and clear up information as needed ; I facilitate an unfastened exchange of thoughts and further an ambiance of unf astened communicating where at the terminal I provide solutions to the squad where each single member of my squad will be working based on my judgement or determination which will come to work out the jobs. Now when looking the external influence that has impact on my future calling and my current accomplishments and cognition at the work topographic point, it leads me to be up to day of the month with national and international policies on how to be at the phase I want it to make. However I should by now measure myself with et good development program to accomplish the demand accomplishment and abilities to be qualify as a Marketing Analyst and here is how I am be aftering to construct myself up to make my end at the terminal of my educational calling. When utilizing Gibbs ‘ reflecting usher theory ( Beginning: Gibbs ) , I have come to place where I lack the most as it has been described on the demand standards to be an effectual Marketing Analyst. I have felt to make somethi ng about it in order to finish the standard demand. When measuring this experience of mine, I have understood that based on my current cognition I still necessitate more to make if I want to be a Marketing Analyst as when foregrounding the specific keys country it says, I should be able to supply rival analysis, market research, pricing scheme, prediction, database use and general market analysis. I should besides hold some commercial selling and skilled in informations use and tendency staining. With careful analyse of these demand I came to reason how I should undertake my aim to be, by conveying an action program to assist myself accomplish it. I will utilize the SWOT analyses & A ; SMART objective ; the two types of analyses are both utile separately but besides help when they are used together since it is more relevant to internal and external factors influence.Method for Taking ActionStrength: My strength is that as a Team Leader I largely cover the scope of accomplishment nee ded at my current phase and because I am still in the academic twelvemonth in International Business which will be due in 2015 I will still derive more progress cognition in the close hereafter to unite with what I have so far. However, a arrangement it besides given to us pupils which is an of import chance to use for a place in the working environment that suits with my future function to be. Failing: My failing at my current phase that I am non truly certain that idea I will be on work arrangement I will come to carry through all these demand needed to efficaciously be a Marketing Analyst. Opportunity: My chance is the manus given from the University to use the work arrangement base on our personal aim or future calling and besides because I am a pupil in the concern environment I will still come with faculty that mushes with my future function to be Menaces: The menace to me will be I am in the right way to accomplish my end and will I hold much clip to be focus on my survey while working and seek to get by with the aspiration function demand. Specific: My specific aspiration to me will be working hard in order to be a graduate pupil with the standard demand accomplishment and ability needed to be measure uping as a Marketing Analyst. Measurable: measuring in its sense to intend how I will put myself with a agenda to follow consistently my day-to-day undertaking on how to accomplish my terminal aim, which is to work hard while I am still in the instruction to keep a alumnus certification and besides implement on the cardinal factors that could take me to be an effectual Selling Analyst Accomplishable: Accomplishable will be such as inquiry grade to me based on my purpose as I want to be holder of alumnus certification and get the standard demand of my aspirational function to be, but will it be possible base on my agenda? I believe yes I can, due to the attempt I will be seting on my survey to acquire things done and right and besides to working aboard with my future function standard demand to accomplish my dream. Relevant: Relevant in my instance, will be the result of my survey as a pupil and will it leads me to derive the standard demand to accomplish my nonsubjective? Yes it will be relevant to me, by come oning thru my undergraduate old ages with good class scored at the concluding twelvemonth of my survey which starts from now. I should aim myself to be qualify with at least first or second/first which could run into my demands and expertness and toward the employers Time: speaking of clip to me as a pupil in the module of Business and Law, clip will be the utile tool to agenda things which I need to carry through in my life with a specific criterion that helps me work thru the timescale that I will plan to accomplish my aim, where it requires me to I ever be focus on in order to accomplish my purpose.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Locke’s Second Treatise of Government Essay

IntroductionIn this essay, I would the like to debate Lockes flake Treatise of Government incision 131. This essay is shargond into four parts. In the professionaltotypal part, I would like to interpret what Lockes station is developed in section 131 and in the next part, I would like to controvert how Locke supports this imsomebodyate by tracing post to the breed of judicature. Then in the third part, I would like to point come in almost f nears in this position by arguing evidences provided by Locke to support his position. The cash in integritys chips part of my essay is the conclusion.Lockes purview in Section 131In section 131, Locke explained that the ultimate aim of conjunction a caller is to nurture the security and attri excepte of the stack and developed the position that the society should never ex lead its establishment agency further than the general advantageously of citizens because its supreme federal agency is originated from the combine of mess. In a word, consort to Locke, the society is obligated to secure their stead and is layed by the consent of people.In order to prove the limits of the presidential term, Locke traces can to the origin of governing why piece is volition to give up his freedom and give in himself to the dominion of a commonwealth preferably of staying in the deposit of temperament where he has veracious to everything.Three Inconveniences in the landed ground of Nature fit to Locke, for a quick-scented man, the reason why man is testamenting to surr give noticeer their remunerates, though man has right to do whateverthing with go forth being affected by the will of others within the police of nature in the deposit of nature is the indecision of his preservation. The enjoyment is unsafe. Because man is partial to his stimulate interest and is deficiencying aw atomic number 18ness of the faithfulness of nature of nature of nature That being all comprise and indepen dent, no one ought to harm a nonher(prenominal) in his life, health, liberty, or possessions (Chapter 2, Section 6) and in that respect are probably continual invasions of others. As a result of this, thither are three affects infra those circumstances.The first inconvenience is that at that place are no such naturalised and well-kn throw laws which laughingstock be used as the standard to referee what is right and what is wrong so that everyone is enquireable about their future and their property including their security, estate and possession etc. Or if at that place is a united society,The second base one is that on that point is no popular and heedless(prenominal) judge to rigidly distinguish amongst right and wrong by the established law. Everyone substructure be the judge himself in the state of nature, nevertheless they always tend to bias to themselves, their friends and families.The third one is that in that respect is no governmental science agency to ensure the punishment. In the state of nature, everyone has the right to punish whoever breaks the law of nature. According to Locke, it is executive force sportsman. But that whitethorn put them in a touch-and-go situation so that the punishment is sternly to be carried out.The origin of the GovernmentAccording to Locke, due to all these defects in the state of nature, people were supposeing about uniting a commonwealth. Surrendering their rights to a sovereign which arse use the supreme power to protect them is a remedy. The right of government comes from its subjects, and the government can never override them.Lockes Solutions to Restrict the Power of the Government and My subscriber line From my perspective, I think Lockes position on the limits of government seems kind of idealistic. The biggest question is how citizens can ensure that after the government gains the supreme power, it does what it is expected to do as original intention. Political power has a character t o expand itself. If there is no limit of power of the sovereign, even though he is a man who has a good virtue, it is still un certain(a) that he governs the society following the law without whatever extemporary decrees all the time. Hence, Locke provides three solutions to trim down the power of the government. There talent be some fIaws in them. I would like discuss all of them below stride by step.The first solution that Locke provides is that the government is limited by the law established by the consent of the absolute majority. When the sovereign recipes the state, he must obey the laws which made by the majority rather than govern it by his own will. And so whoever has the legislative or supreme power of any commonwealth, is margin to govern by established stand up laws, promulgated and known to the people, and not by extemporary decrees (Chapter 9, Section 131)From my perspective, obviously there is no unconditional power to plight that the government is transce nd by the law except revolution (I will it discuss in the third point.) Moreover, it is also uncertain whether there exists such kind of law which is able to represent the common good indeed. Even in our clock when the intelligent system is much developed than the times when Locke lived, a large number of flaws can be found in our laws. Locke argues that laws can be updated. But no exit how up-to-date the law is, it still cannot secrecy everyones interest.The universal of controversy cannot be avoided as long as people are in the unalike situation. Locke himself admitted that when man enters into a society, he gives up his comparability when they enter into society, give up the equality. (Chapter 9, Section 131) As there are different classes of citizens, they must have some different interests, which make them in different statuses of society. There is no contradiction unless there is no going among people.Even that we are equal before the law, we cannot be protect by th e laws equally. For instance, is a person is in addition poor to afford a lawyer, when his right is impaired, he cannot protect his right by law means and if a person has not studied laws, his property major power be invaded without knowing it. If the inconvenience is caused by the ignorance, there is no distinct variation between the state of nature and the commonwealth.Furthermore, if there are conflicting interests between a person and the government, it will be in a dilemma. In this situation, if the person protects his own interest by law, interests of government will be impaired. And in the long run that may lead to the impairment of interests of morepeople even include the first man who tried to protect his interests by law.Locke may argue that in his second method that he advocates the division of policy-making power and that he divides supreme power into three legislative, executive and foreign power. What the government has is just executive power. The parliament has r ight to making law. And the government is run by the law. How can it do beyond the law? Moreover, the legislative power which belongs to citizens is always higher(prenominal) than executive power.It is one of the greatest contributions of Locke that he advocates to make legislative and executive powers apart, but in comparison to three idiosyncratic powers legislative, executive powers and legal review in political system today are employed, like the United State of America, It is not hard to find out the lack of judicial review in Lockes theory.Locke yet divided legislature and executive branches. It seems that the structure of the government created by Locke is less developed than that of today. Without judicial review, the balance of power is weaker. Even our modern society in which there judicial system exists, the judicature tends to gain power from time to time. For example, under the circumstance that judicial review exists, it seems that the specialty of the president gos stronger and stronger in the US. Moreover, Locke thinks that legislature could be formed of not whole representatives but also the noble or a case-by-case hereditary person who has an executive power.Let us suppose and then the legislative placed in the conjunctive of three distinct persons. 1. A single hereditary person, having the constant, supreme, executive power, and with it the power of convoking and licentiousness the other two within certain periods of time. 2. An assembly of hereditary nobility. 3. An assembly of representatives chosen, pro tempore, by the people. (Chapter 16, Section 213) That weakens the strength of legislative further.Even though those two solutions cannot completely ensure the government is run in the right way, Locke provides the third solution that people can take back their rights that they gave to the government by revolution and alter rights to other sovereign if the government breaks the law ofnature.However, other problem may rise. T here is the limit of revolution that Locke provides. According to Locke, the revolution could be legimate only carried out by the majority. What if what the government did is just harmful to the interest of the minority? Can the government united with the majority benefit from the minority by abusing their rights? The only thing that they can do is air subject themselves under the exploit. I do not think that Locke himself would like to become one of the minority members in that situation. sometimes the good of the majority is not infallible the good of the minority. That is also an execution of beyond the common good. It can be imagined that the topic of benefit from doing harm to a humbled group of people is no difference with a political system of tyranny.In conclusion, Locke supports his statement that the government can only do the common good and never override citizens by tracing back the origin of the government. Because of three inconveniences in the state of nature, people are willing to transfer their rights to a government. The right of government comes from the consent of people, so it can never dilute farther. And Locke provides three means to limit the power of government. However, I suggest that there might be some difficulties to carry out these measures.There is no such coercive power to compel the government to play its role by laws. Furthermore, there is a doubt if such kind of laws representing the common good existing. And there is no judicial review to decide whether and when actions break the law. The action of revolutions does not working all the time. The rule of revolution Locke provided may be the real basis of putting the minority in the tyranny of the majority. But in any case, Lockes theory shows us the end of the society and the idea, the balance of power, and directs us to think about the way to improve the political system and make it more democratic.